Roxanne M. Girard
DRE #01319582
(619) 246-4907
Roxanne Mariko Girard is President of Ito Girard & Associates Inc., a local land development company. Since opening in 2004 the company specializes in urban infill developments to build affordable housing to improve the lives of people who live in our communities. Together with business partner Robert P. Ito, they both possess over 40 years of dedication to the community. She is a retired banker after 25 years in lending with various banks including First Union Bank and Bank of Commerce. She is owner of Neighborhood Real Estate Services, a residential sale and mortgage company since 2000, a division of Ito Girard & Associates.
In addition to working with government and non-profit agencies, Roxanne’s involvement in the community has included former board member of the Southeastern Economic Development Corporation, a Mayor and City Council appointment, Union of Pan Asian Communities (UPAC), Boys and Girls Club of San Diego, Police Athletic League, the Asian Business Association, Salvation Army Advisory Board, and the San Diego Japanese Friendship Garden. Her involvements have also included Child Abuse Prevention Foundation (Investment Committee), Torrey Pines Bank Community Advisory Board, and the Bankers CDC Small Business Loan Committee.
- Urban Land Institute (Small Scale Infill Developments)
- San Diego Chamber of Commerce (Infrastruture, Housing, Land Committee)
- San Diego Board of Realtors (Affordable Housing, Education Committee)
- Building Industry (Affordable Housing Committee)
- Asian Business Association, Advisory Board
- Diamond Business District (Economic Development Committee)
- American Institute of Bankers
- Asian Real Estate Association of America
- Association of Professional Mortgage Women
- Boys and Girls Club of San Diego, Board of Directors
- California Mortgage Bankers Association
- Council of Lenders and Affiliates
- Institute of Financial Education, Board of Directors
- LEAD, Class of 1992 (Leadership, Education, Awareness, Development)
- Make-A-Wish Foundation, Fundraising Committee
- Neighborhood Housing Services
- PAL, Police Athletic League, Board of Directors
- San Diego Home Loan Counseling Center, Board of Directors
- SEDC, Southeastern Economic Development Corp., Board of Directors (appointee of Mayor Susan Golding 1994)
- The Salvation Army, Advisory Board of Directors
- Union of Pan Asian Communities (UPAC), Board of Directors